Tuesday 12 February 2013

3D Modelling - Female

Following a tutorial I have, I am making a Female model in 3Ds Max.
So far, I've made an eye socket based on two images (Front and Profile, supplied with the tutorial)
Above is the front view. Using the front view displayed on a Plane, I was able to make the shape of the eye (Also using Planes, set as a Modifiable Poly, editing their vertices).
The profile view was used to get the depth of the eye, lining up to make the cheek and nose. The sphere was used to gauge the shape of the eye, to construct the eyelids.

This image shows both the Front and Profile planes with the eye suspended between.

I am continuing to work on the model and hope to be able to animate it when I'm finished. From there, I'd like to make other models and have them interact (Similar to the Weekly Tasks from Semester 01 with the Dee character)

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